Thursday, July 29, 2010

Johnny and Coop's BBQ Supreme

Great time. Wonderful friends. Beautiful Location. Summer highlight.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Bruce House

The hub of much of our activity growing up was the Bruce household. Getting Bev off to school, playing catch with the pro ball players, eating fresh, homemade doughnuts, chatting with various generations of Bruces. It was a happy, caring, lively home, the memories of which will always be treasured.

Monday, July 12, 2010

1952 Middleton Cardinals

Back Row: Gerald Ray -P, Pat Hampsey - P, Ted Marshall - CF, Paul Ward - RF, Larry Marshall - LF, Bev Bruce - 1stB, Steve Howe - P ; Front Row: Roy Doucette - 3B, Bernie Parent - SS, Harry Coleman - C, Mann Deveau - 2B, Murray Wentzel - P. Steve Howe was a New Englander who had played in the HD League with Truro, and Roy Doucette was from Yarmouth. The Bat boy was Alan Henderson. Thanks for the update, Paul.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Port George Light

To cool off during this heat wave, let's take a drive to Port George. I can give a closeup later, but I like this picture of the road and shoreline too. Although Margaretsville seemed to be the preferred site, I also enjoyed an outing to Port George. Thanks for the picture Bette and Rick.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

It's the BBQ Season

Now, what did I leave out ? The musquitoes and flies ? The Little Woman bringing out the supplies and utensils ? An empty beer can or two on the ground ?
Kids asking when it's going to be ready ? a Boston Bull running around in circles, getting all excited ?
That was how we barbecued in the past. It is so much more civilized now. Right ?
Hope everyone had a great July 1st holiday and now we're celebrating our neighbour's birthday, the 4th.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1 - Canada Day

I know I should have a Canada image, a beaver, flags and all, but growing up in Middleton meant baseball, often a July 1st doubleheader, usually with one of the Halifax teams.
First the booths and games on Commercial Street; then baseball at the park. Later our first strawberry shortcake.
Yeah, Cardinals. Yeah, Middleton. Yeah, Canada Day.