Sunday, December 27, 2009


Was it eight or nine years ago that the Class of '51 celebrated a reunion along with MRHS celebrations. We had a good turnout/ What a great group! I can't believe how many of us are still in contact despite living in various places. thanks be to the telephone and to email. Unfortunately, at least three of the group are no longer living.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

MRHS Basketball

MRHS basketball 1950-51. Front, Dick Phinney Dave Swim, Al Peppard (coach), Eric Wright, Cal Annis; Back: Neil Fisher, Ron Parker, Bev Bruce, Dick Morse, Hanson "Sonny" Dowell, and Clifford Neily. Those were the days. Today, teams score in the first quarter what we might be lucky to get in a full game. We were new to the game, we learned a lot, and it was a lot of fun. Thanks, Al.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Santa and MRHS

Hope all you MRHS boys and girls were good boys and girls this year. I'll keep track of your antics and all of those who consider themselves part of the Middleton Mafia. Ho! Ho! Ho!
I know lots of charity work is going on, and I'm sure you are all going to have a great Christmas.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Macdonald High - 1914-15 ?

Going back in time here. The first girl on the left second row was my mother, Bernice Bentley, in about Grade Nine. That should make it about 1914 or 15. Not sure who many of the others are. I believe that's John Marshall, third from left front row. The fellow on the far right front row looks like Vaughn Reagh. The fellow third from right. second row, is a Fisher, my Uncle Ike I believe.
If you click on the picture, you can enlarge it. I think I recognize Cyril Jodrey (back row) and Jack Reagh, second from left, front row. Any help appreciated. - Neil

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Eric has contributed this group picture as a bunch of us depart for a church-run camp at Pinehurst.
He has named some of the renegades in the front row: Jackie Dodge, Bill Gates, Neil Fisher and Ron Giffin. Eric is behind me and named (as mothers sometime do.) Second from left may be Fred Grant. Any other suggestions ? was it the mid-Forties ?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Margaretville, 1999

Thought I'd shift from the flooded Bridge Street to the Fundy shore. Unfortunately, my Margaretville picture is only about 10 years old. Perhaps I can fiind some others. anyone have any ?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Another Flood Picture

The earlier picture of the Annapolis River flood sent Eric to the family album for this picture of some boys boating on Bridge Street around 1937.

Eric suggests that the boy in front is his brother and asks, "could he be rolling a cigarette ?" Millard has suggested the other two are Don Doucette and Gordon Marshall.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Annapolis River Floods

This picture, sent in by Dick Morse, shows a flooded Bridge Street. One can see the bridge at a distance. Probably the Forties or Fifties. Anyone remember ?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

the Bentley House

The Bentley house must have been built near the end of the 19th Century. My mother was born there in 1900. I enjoyed most Christmas dinners there while growing up, and, of course, many other meals and visits. It was a fascinating house. At Christmas they had lighted candles in the windows. There were lots of nooks and crannies for a child to enjoy. The Spa owners have done a wonderful job of restoration, and it is much appreciated. Thanks, Neil

Monday, November 16, 2009

High School Hockey

This is the Macdonald High School hockey team, 1948-49. Front row: Herb McMurtry, Kenny Perkins, Ron Rawding, Dick Morse, Bill Armstrong, Bob Montgomery, and John Hughes; Back Row: Don Appleby, Arden Kenny, Jack Beaton, Ted Marshall, Fred Grant, and Charlie Vidito.
Thanks for the picture, Dick. Gad, that was sixty years ago!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Heritage School Bell

I believe this school bell was the one used in the school that existed before the Macdonald Consolidated School was built.

On one of our trips to Middleton, a friend of my mother's had asked us to visit her in Kentville on our way back to Truro.
She presented us with the bell and told us where it had come from. Since I was in education and at the Nova Scotia Teachers College, she thought I would appreciate the bell and its history. I do.

At some time, I will probably pass it on to the Macdonald Museum, but, for now, it's a treasured artifact in our home.

It's about seven inches high.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembrance Day

As I have no specific picture of Middleton on Remembrance Day, let this poppy symbolize that we do remember the sacrifice our veterans made. I do have a memory of wartime Middleton: the blackout curtains, rationing, the growth of Greenwood and its training flights, English airmen staying at homes in the area, convoys and military exercises, losses overseas and at home, and the return of the veterans. I was one of a privileged generation to gain from the sacrifices made and the Canada that emerged after the war. I am grateful.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Middleton Maple Leafs, 1931-32

Despite our fascination with baseball, hockey mustn't be forgotten. We had a ladies' hockey team earlier in the blog. Here is a men's team. Central Valley League Champions, 1931-32.
Front: A.D. Doucet, F; G.B. Shaffner, F; P. H. Roop, F; Second: A.F. Barteaux, D; R.W. Shaffner, F; E.R. Miles, F (Captain and Coach); G.P. Marshall, G; D.D. Hills, F; R.B. Barteaux, F; Third: C.Y. Fisher, F; C. Earle Mumford, Mgr; J.A. Reagh, D; C.M. Joudrey, Secty-Treas; J.N.C. Desborough, Pres; C. M. Moore, D; B.H. Bentley, V-P; W.L. Stailing, Sub Goal.
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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Macdonald Museum

Elsewhere we have several pictures of the Macdonald Consolidated School from the past, but it is alive today as the Macdonald Museum. This picture comes from their interesting and informative web site - Like this blog, their web site allows one to visit Middleton from away.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Going to Margaretville was a big part of growing up in the valley. Remember the change in temperature when one went over the mountain ?
Remember the freezing water ? the banana splits ?

Here is an old postcard of the village.

Maybe Gerald or someone can find a picture of the lighthouse or the ice cream parlors or the picnic grounds.

Bring back memories ?

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Baseball - the 40s

It's World Series time - that means another look at a Middleton baseball team. This picture is probably taken from a book or magazine. It's the Cardinals from the 40's. Not sure who sent it to me.
Batboy: Ron Parker
Front: left to right: Cam Spurr, Garneau Seaman, Ed Paglierani, Manny MacIntyre, Rolly
MacLenahan, Bernie Parent, Virgil Hector, Danny Seaman
Back: left to right: Carl Bruce, "Lefty" Laterie, Gerry Ray, Raymond Bruce, Ralph McManaman, Ike Seaman, Fred Montgomery

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Inside Macdonald

We've shown several pictures of Macdonald Consolidated School in Middleton. This time we go inside the school.
This picture of a Grade XI class (1947-48), submitted by Dick Morse, includes a number of familiar faces. Dick sent me some of the names but since I can't find what happened to the list, you'll have to play guessing games.
I may still find the list or Dick can sent me another copy.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Battle of the Blades 2

Back row: Paul Vidito, Doc Herman, Mann Deveau
Front: Neil Fisher, Fred Grant, Eric Wright, Dick Morse, Charlie Vidito, Bob Montgomery, Corning Sinclair. (Thanks for the picture, Dick.)

Friday, October 23, 2009

MRHS Reunion

Received this picture and announcement today. Something for us all to think about. Thanks, Denny.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Interesting Postcard

Wilfred Morley sent this interesting postcard of the Macdonald Schol dated 1913. It is interesting to note the balcony.

My mother would have just had her thirteenth birthday (Aug. 17th) when the card was written.

Thanks, Wilf. Nice addition to our collection. We appreciate the card. - N

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ladies' Hockey - 1922-23

Eric mentioned one day on Skype that the only hockey he watched was Women's hockey. Some people may think that women's hockey is a new phenomina. It isn't. Above and below are the Middleton Ladies' Hockey Team 1922-23.

Back Row: Mary Cox, Centre; Marguerite Cummings,Forward; Marjorie Parker, Forward; Olga Sponagle, Spare; and Olive Coleman, Defence; Front Row: Mrs. F. Buckler, Goal; Beatrice Gullivan, (Capt) Defence; and Mrs. J. A. Reagh, Spare.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fisher House

Perhaps we can start a series on homes in Middleton. I couldn't decide which picture to use; therefore, I combined two. I can't remember the street number either. I think it might have been 376 Main Street. I remember it as one of the few brick houses in Middleton at that time. Anyone have a favorite picture of their home ? Send it along and I'll post it. Have a great Thanksgiving Weekend ! Neil

The 1948 Provincial Champions

Fish, you have posted our 1947 Provincial championship team and here's our repeat feat in 1948, defeating Spinghill and others along the trail with an exciting five game final series against Halifax, with the deciding game won on neutral grounds in Hantsport with Bobby Rafuse driving in the winning run, scored by Kenny Perkins in the bottom the ninth inning.

Front L to R : Ted Marshall, Bucky Talbot, Bobby Rafuse, catcher Fish, Gordie Francis and Ron Rawding.
Rear: Billy Francis, Lefty Bill Gates, Moi, Bobby Montgomery, Hanson (Sonny) Dowell and Bev Bruce.
Sadly at least four are deceased.

Monday, October 5, 2009

1923 Champions of Nova Scotia

Front: Vaughn Reagh, p; V. Boyne, 3b; H. Phinney, 2b; A. Dodge, 1b;
Back: G. Goucher, ss; J. Reagh, lf; E. Casey, Catcher & Captain; L. Andrews, Mgr; C. Fisher, sub; A. Fisher, cf; L. Harlowe, rf.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

All Dressed Up

This class picture from Terri Coleman was sent courtesy of Dick Morse. The names are as follows:Back row; Bernice Mosher, teacher,Chris Croslyn,Carole Doucet,Seldon Veniot,Terri Coleman, Steve Giffen,??,Derek Rafuse,Giget Oxner,Mark Lawrence. Second row: Joyce Goodwin,Kelli Gillard,//,Lynn Cumming,Sally Fowler,Dtanley Simmonds, Christopher Bennet,Nickie Pederson,Paul Hare,?? Front row; Chris Dowell, Adele Butler, Jr. Doherty,Shelly Owen,/ Young,Nancy White, Mark Wentzell. Gee, Terri, you must be young; they had coloured pictures when you went to school. If anyone can supply the missing names, send them along. Thanks.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Little Nell

Earlier, Eric posted "Broad-way in Middleton." We return to the stage with this picture of "Little Nell."

Dave Swim was the farmer; Neil Fisher was Little Nell, his daughter; the villain was Eric Wright; and the policeman, blocked by the mike, was Corning Sinclair.

"'Twas a dark and stormy night when my Nellie went away, and I never shall forget it 'til my dying day; she was sweet sixten, the village queen, the prettiest little picture that you ever seen. She went away with an actor guy with a black mustache and a red necktie; nothing's been the same since my Nellie went away; the rooster died and the hens won't lay."

Monday, September 28, 2009

1947 Middleton Bantam Cardinals

Front: Roy Dowell, Ken Perkins, Neil Fisher, Bob Montgomery, Ron Rawding, Bob Rafuse;
Back: Herb MacLeod (coach); Ted Rafuse, Sonny Dowell, Ted Marshall, Bev Bruce, and Eric Wright. (Missing Gordie Francis) Write-ups suggest Jim dumeah did some coaching too.

You knew it had to be posted sooner or later. The 1947 Provincial Champions, defeating first Annapolis (22-0 in Middleton; other game forfeited) and then Amherst (7-2 in Middleton; 9-1 in Amherst) to win the title and cap an undefeated season. There were exhibition victories against Annapolis, Aylesford, Berwick and Kentville.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Halifax Trip

Denny Johnston circulated this picture awhile back.
The MRHS Grade XIIs must have taken a trip to Halifax.
These well-dressed young men - Eric, Gerald, Neil, Watson, Corning and Denny are seen with teacher, chaperone, Al Peppard.
Probably spring of 1951.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Macdonald Consolidated Plus ...

We discovered, perhaps re-discovered, this picture yesterday.
I recognized Macdonald Consolidated School but not the other building.

Bruce MacKenzie has identified it as the Town Hall.

My brother adds: Acccording to a book by the Macdonald Museum, the building on the left was the old Middleton School. It served as the town hall until it was demolished in 1936.

Millard (Joey) added a bit more: That was the old school, town hall and court room. It's where hobos used to hang out . In the winter there was a stove in there and plenty of wood, with a buck saw. One of the visitors just took the 4 ft. long log and shoved it in as it burned off.

Thanks, All.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Middleton Teachers identified

According to my brother the other teacher is Audrey Taylor who married Buck Miles, who worked in the Bank of N.S. and was a good hockey player.

Cowboys and Baseball

There was a time when the big decision was - do we play Cowboys or Baseball. If you had a Red Sox uniform and a gun and holster, you were ready for both.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Macdonald Consolidated teachers

These two tachers were before our time. I recognize Grace Henry but the other lady is totally unfamiliar. Again, maybe Millard and Bruce can help ?

Macdonald Consolidated School pupils and teachers

This is a nice old picture but not sure what year. Probably late 30's and maybe old timers like Millard and Bruce can help ? My father is in the top row, far left. Some faces look familiar.

Broadway in Middleton

Not sure what year this theatrical production was launched. A lot of the faces look familiar but I'm only sure of Denny (who's he wooing ?), Eileen and Marsha Kelley and a couple others.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Since we had received some postcards/pictures of Kedge, the Lodge and the cabins, I decided to put them in a slide show and see how this movie widget works. I had often heard of fishing and vacation trips to Kedge while growing up in Middleton. Hope you enjoy them. - N

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Battle of the Blades

This is a very frightening looking hockey team and unfortunately it's somewhat faded. In the front row, left to right are Jack Phinney, Corning Sinclair, Fish, Fred Grant, Dick Morse, unknown, Bobby Montgomery and me. None of us made it to the NHL.

Camping Expedition

This picture was taken about 1949 and we were on our way to our old camp in Victory. We still miss Bev in his GM coveralls ! The rest of us are still in regular contact with each other. My father (D.B. in my mother's handwriting) drove us to the lake. No doubt we had a riotous time.

Cute Couple

Here we are again on a big date !

First Girlfriend

This is my first girlfriend, Joan (aka Coop) Cooper now happily married to the lucky John Byrne. I still love her as do all of us in our "gang".

Eric Joins In

Hi I'm Eric Wright and Neil (aka Fish) and I have been best friends since we were three or four years old. We grew up together in beautiful Middleton, Nova Scotia and I'm going to add some pictures to support Fish's efforts.

Friday, September 18, 2009

American House

A postcard of the American House suggests a much earlier day. The American House was created when the Joseph Craig house was converted to a hotel to meet the needs of railroad traffic in the early 1900s. It operated until the 1950s and was torn down in the 60s. There must be a more recent picture with a large addition that was more familiar to us. Thanks, Bette. Nice addition to our album.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rugby Team

The MRHS Rugby team. I assume 1950. Front: N. Fisher, F. Martin, T. Marshall, F. Grant, R. Dowell, I. Cumming; middle: P. Ward, R. Phinney, C. Annis, E. Wright, R. Montgomery, D. Swim; Back. W. Morley, T. Rafuse, R. Parker, H. Dowell, J. Carter, W. Mapplebeck, A. Peppard (coach)

Sunday, September 13, 2009


A leap in time. Many of us (especially those in that kindergarten picture) spent most of our school years in Macdonald Consolidated School. Then the new school was built and we had the luxury of MRHS for Grades XI and XII. Here was the staff when I graduated in 1951. Is Al the only one still living ? Does anyone know ? Cheers, Neil

Monday, September 7, 2009

Middleton Baseball, 1904

Front Row: Willard Charlton, Robie Beals; Second Row: Percy Elliott, Willis Miller, Fred Bentley, and Lou Phinney; Third Row: Charlie Fisher; Fourth Row: Carroll Charlton, Bob Gullivan, Lambert Young.

This has been especially meaningful to me as both my grandfathers (CF and FB)and two great-uncles (BG and LY) are in the picture. Coop tells me the picture is in History from the Heart. Her grandfather is in the front row. Let the game begin, NF

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Adventure Begins

Years ago an adventure began as a number of us attended kindergarten in Middleton. Friends were gained as we progressed through the Middleton school system. A number of my email buddies graduated together in 1951.
With this Middleton Blog, I begin another adventure, with hesitant steps and an uncertain outcome. As we criss cross forwards and back in time and, hopefully, bring in many friends, fascinating pictures and lots of anecdotes, I hope we will capture what a great time it was - growing up in Middleton, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia.
The journey continues; enjoy the trip. Neil