Sunday, December 27, 2009


Was it eight or nine years ago that the Class of '51 celebrated a reunion along with MRHS celebrations. We had a good turnout/ What a great group! I can't believe how many of us are still in contact despite living in various places. thanks be to the telephone and to email. Unfortunately, at least three of the group are no longer living.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

MRHS Basketball

MRHS basketball 1950-51. Front, Dick Phinney Dave Swim, Al Peppard (coach), Eric Wright, Cal Annis; Back: Neil Fisher, Ron Parker, Bev Bruce, Dick Morse, Hanson "Sonny" Dowell, and Clifford Neily. Those were the days. Today, teams score in the first quarter what we might be lucky to get in a full game. We were new to the game, we learned a lot, and it was a lot of fun. Thanks, Al.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Santa and MRHS

Hope all you MRHS boys and girls were good boys and girls this year. I'll keep track of your antics and all of those who consider themselves part of the Middleton Mafia. Ho! Ho! Ho!
I know lots of charity work is going on, and I'm sure you are all going to have a great Christmas.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Macdonald High - 1914-15 ?

Going back in time here. The first girl on the left second row was my mother, Bernice Bentley, in about Grade Nine. That should make it about 1914 or 15. Not sure who many of the others are. I believe that's John Marshall, third from left front row. The fellow on the far right front row looks like Vaughn Reagh. The fellow third from right. second row, is a Fisher, my Uncle Ike I believe.
If you click on the picture, you can enlarge it. I think I recognize Cyril Jodrey (back row) and Jack Reagh, second from left, front row. Any help appreciated. - Neil

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Eric has contributed this group picture as a bunch of us depart for a church-run camp at Pinehurst.
He has named some of the renegades in the front row: Jackie Dodge, Bill Gates, Neil Fisher and Ron Giffin. Eric is behind me and named (as mothers sometime do.) Second from left may be Fred Grant. Any other suggestions ? was it the mid-Forties ?