Thursday, May 27, 2010

Middleton Baptist Church

eBay always has Middleton postcards in its collectables section. This one shows the Baptist Church, I believe, but I'm not sure when. Every now and then you should check out the cards available; they provide glimpses of our past. Perhaps you will become a collector.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Crock of Beans

Didn't have a Middleton picture, so I did a bit of graphic doodling. Sometimes I find a picture or clip art that doesn't quite cut it; therefore I need to do some searching, cutting and pasting to bring it up to scratch. Hope it shows up all right. Now, we'll all have to do some searching for Middleton pictures to get me back on track.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Downpour in boston

Three (Bette; Eric; Neil) of the four Middleton Amigoes as they try to regroup after a heavy downpour at Fenway Park. It would have helped if we had figured out how to get in a poncho before it rained. Great weekend. Baseball, Fenway and Middleton go together well; however, the Yankees were dominant that weekend.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Going to school - 1963

Carol Ann Cole has sent a picture circa 1963.
She's going to get a drive to MRHS from Wilmot in George White's new (first) car. That's a full armload of books, Carol, and we didn't have the backpacks they use today.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Laura Secord Motel

An eBay postcard mentions the Laura Secord Motel in Middleton, circa, the '50s. Did we decide if this was the one across from the hospital ? What name changes has it gone through ? "The Laura Secord was built by doug MacNeil but the other Laura didn't approve of the name. It becane the Driftwood Motel and later the Fundy Spray. A corner store was added and the units are now rented out to students and low rental housing. It is just west of Maple Ford across from the bowling alley." Thanks, Gerald.