Friday, August 27, 2010

The Loudspeaker 1949

Received this yearbook recently, and not sure how well you'll be able to read the names of those who put this prestigious publication together. Oh, those Gestetner machines. Remember you can click and enlarge the pictures and use arrow to return to the blog. Noted drawings by Nancy Hudgens and Neil Fisher. Where was your work, Corning ? Busy circulating, I guess.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Macdonald Reunion

Two pictures from a Macdonald Reunion some years back - 1998, I believe. You'll see lots of familiar faces and hopefully some names will come to mind. I see Denny and I are in both of them. The top picture includes Nancy Hudgins, Jessie Cumming, my brother, Fred, Fred Grimmer, Audrey Giffin, Helen Hankinson, Sonny Dowell and Len Dention, to name a few.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Camps and Cottages

Growing up in Middleton, cottages were on the ocean and camps were in the woods. Camps were initially associated with hunting and fishing. I remember enjoying both camps (Trout Lake) and various cottages in Margaretsville. Eric kept the camp tradition alive in New Brunswick, and a number of us were lucky enough to enjoy his hospitality, generosity and fine cooking skills. Here are some scenes from the camp in Juniper in the 90s.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Gates Canoe

In 1997, I believe, the Annapolis Valley Macdonald Museum in Middleton celebrated the cratsmanship of Harold Gates with a display on the Gates Canoe. I thought this picture should enter the blog and pay tribute to an outstanding Nova Scotia craftsman who was also the father of one william Harold Gates, our Bill Gates. Coincidence: this weekend there is a canoe regatta at Kedji. Do you suppose there will be some Gates Canoes there ? The picture of Harold Gates is from Older Ways: Traditional Nova Scotia Craftsmen by Peter Barss.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Class of 50-51

Class of 50-51 Attendees at the 2010 MRHS Reunion. I think I've come up with the names. Front: Corning, Phyllis Palmer, Gwen, Marni and Jessie; Middle: Maxine Lightfoot Giffin, Phyllis Mosher Cipolla; Coop; George Dodge, Gerald; Back: Denny, John Giffin, Eric and Hanson (Sonny). Shame so many good-looking people were missing when the photo was taken.

Friday, August 6, 2010

View like a Painting

We have been weeding our photograph albums. Came across this one and had to add it to the blog. This was taken around 1990, the view from the cottage we rented from John Fox. Jessie would know this view well. I can't resist pictures of Margaretsville and the Bay of Fundy.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

1953 Middleton Basketball

This Middleton town team competed in the Nova Scotia Basketball Playoffs in 1953. We know all the players but one. Back Row: Shirley ........... , Mary Miller, Bette Young, Fran Whitman; Front row: Esther Crawford, Diane Hankinson, Kaye Cox, Nellie Hoogerwerf, annd Coach Al Peppard. Any help with shirley's last name would be appreciated.